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View our brochures and case studies below - please note that depending on your browser settings, the brochure may be directly downloaded to your computer

iReach Straw-Poll for 24-hour and 48-hour nationwide Polls of the General Public in Ireland

iReach Nationwide Consumer Omnibus schedule for Q2 and Q3 2024

iReach and Aviva Survey on Mental Health Issues and Supports in Ireland

iReach and SFA Survey of SMEs in Ireland on the Cost of Doing Business

iReach Ask an Analyst Service for Research Outsourcing

iReach Specialist Research Services for Retailers

iReach Specialist Research Services for the Drinks Sector

iReach Ad Testing Research Brochure

iReach and SFA Survey of SMEs in Ireland on Financial Literacy

iReach and RDS Stakeholder Research Case Study

iReach and Enterprise Ireland SME Supports Awareness Case Study

iReach and NUI Galway Health Care Conjoint Case Study

iReach and Manor Farm Proposition Testing Workshop Case Study

iReach and Arnotts Innovation Workshop Case Study

iReach for New Product Testing and Sampling Research

iReach and Dominos Digital Ad Effectiveness Case Study

iFocus - Hybrid Qualitative Research Services by iReach

iReach and HAZELBROOK Farms Concept Testing Case Study

iReach and Boots Qualitative Research Case Study

iReach and UX and Qualitative Research Case Study

iReach and Eddie Rocket's Eye Tracking Research Case Study

iReach and HSS Credit Union Research Case Study

iReach and Clonmel Credit Union Member Satisfaction Case Study

iReach and RIAI 360 Degree Stakeholder Research Case Study

iReach and Digital Effectiveness Research Case Study

Convenience Shoppers interaction with OOH Media by iReach

iReach and Toyota Ad Campaign Tracker Case Study

Business Decisions Panel by iReach

Mystery Shopping and Exits by iReach

Free Briefing 3 of 3 : Generations X Y and Z Customer Journey Roadmaps - 10th April 2019 - iReach

Free Briefing 2 of 3 : Generations X Y and Z Persona and Pen Profiles - 14th March 2019 - iReach

Free Briefing 1 of 3: Media Usage of Generations X Y and Z - 14th February 2019 - iReach

Omniplex Cinemas - Case Study - All Island Exit Interviews - iReach

Maltesers - New Concept Testing - Case Study - iReach

Charity and NGO - Case Studies - iReach